The Level 3 Building Survey is the most comprehensive condition report providing a ‘belt and braces’ approach to any home purchase.
Our bespoke reports expand on the Level 2 through providing a more detailed breakdown of key building elements, their methods of construction and materials used. Any highlighted defects will be accompanied by useful advice on the necessary repairs and requirements for future maintenance.
We recommend a Level 3 Survey when purchasing older, larger or more complex buildings, particularly those in a poor state of repair. Our reports can be tailored to concentrate on any areas where additional information is required or where further commentary may be useful for our clients’ potential redevelopment plans.
Terracotta differs from many competitors in that we include indicative repair costs for any defects we identify. Our surveyors use up-to-date building indices together with their personal experience to provide costings, giving our clients a clear picture of the often-unknown costs of buying a property. This is useful when budgeting for maintenance works or in some cases, renegotiating the sale price.
Features of the property
The surveyor’s overall opinion of the property and a summary of findings
A schedule of indicative costs of repair for any identified defects
Answers to specific client queries
In-depth description of the external elements and their condition
In-depth description of the internal elements and their condition
Visual inspection of electrical, gas, water and drainage services
Grounds, garages, permanent outbuildings and their condition
Issues to raise with your solicitor
Recommended repairs and maintenance
A thorough photo schedule of building elements and key findings
A supplementary valuation service (if agreed prior)
Home Survey Level 2
Snagging Survey
Defect Survey